Have you heard the news? Activ Life is now online. We've been logging our most popular classes ever since we launched in 2018 and then during lockdown last year, we gathered those flows and filmed over 50 favourite yoga classes as voted by you and uploaded them to our Activ Life Online Studio.

Whether it is to release tension, build mental and physical strength, feel happier, get more me time, feel less lonely and unplug, here are just a few reasons to help seal the deal on practicing yoga at home.
Practise yoga in your own time when it fits in with your schedule, not somebody else's. Gone are the days of being fully dependent on a studio’s class schedule. With online yoga classes, you can quite literally get on the mat at any time of the day or night. Not sure what time you’re going to get home from the office? Unclear on when your kids are going to give you the space you need for self-care? Trying to fill that awkward period of time late at night when you’re having trouble falling asleep? Just log on to your digital device any time you please and choose a class that ranges anywhere from five minutes to 90 minutes.
No pressure to feel like a yoga pro. If you’re new to yoga, no amount of chill vibes can make those first few classes any less intimidating, especially if you’re on the more reserved side. Online yoga classes are great for beginner yoga. Take all of that pressure away. Stop thinking about how you look in each pose or whether or not you’re flowing as quickly as the person on the mat next to you – a great slow flow yoga session may be just your thing!
Get friends, family and pets involved. Have you heard of a yoga party? No? Then you're missing out. Throw on your favourite Deva Premal soundtrack and challenge your friends to a Sun Salutation-off. Getting fit can feel a little lonely, but when you’re doing it on your own terms, you can make it social!
No excuses. There’s no traffic to make you late for class, and no wild weather conditions to tempt you to ditch your workout plan.
Roll straight into bed after class. How many times after a yin class or yoga nidra do you wish you could roll into bed, rather than having to drive home?
Don't waste time travelling and sitting in traffic. I have lost count of the number of times I have stressed out trying to make a yoga class before the door is locked and I'm met with a wave of utter disappointment. If you happen to be a person who already spends a lot of those precious hours commuting to and from an office or other commitments, you should know.
Practise in your happiest place. Comfortable and familiar surroundings can enhance your yoga experience immensely. You're not put off by the sweaty hyperactive handstander on one side, or the 'snoring in Savasana' sleepy head on the other.
You can pick a yoga class that suits your mood that day. So you want to take a Power class after work, but your studio only offers Restorative yoga that night. With Activ Life online classes, you can pick from a variety yoga styles that fit how you feel at any given time.
Press pause whenever you want. There’s always an option to take Child’s Pose at any moment in a live class. Unfortunately, you miss a good portion of the class if you keep taking rests. Just press pause at home and take as long as you need to relax and reset. Take the class at your own pace without worrying about missing any of the postures.
Just a few reasons why online yoga could change the way you've been practicing for years.
Want to give it go? Sign up to the Activ Life Online Studio and get over 50 yoga vids filmed in gorgeous outdoor locations around the Cayman Islands, for just $28 a month: https://www.pay.theactivlife.com. Not what your after? You can cancel at any time.
Louise FitzRoy is the Principal of Activ Life, a leading health and wellness company based in the Cayman Islands. If you enjoyed this article you may also like: 3 New Year's yoga resolutions and 8 evening poses to help you sleep.